Friday, July 26, 2013

Zero Degrees of Separation

All of us know at least one "name dropper"... the person who lets us know their connections, their sphere of influence, or the Styrofoam cup they kept from a famous person sighting.  At work, this can come to our attention as "elevating the issue" by someone who either thinks we can be forced to do something if someone more powerful tells us, or that processes can be skipped to get a certain something expedited.

Almost no one (no one I have ever met, anyway), looks merely at the facts when something is "elevated" to them.  They also take into account WHO is asking for the exception.  (Perhaps quite a few leaders have "Chicken Little's" working on their teams. All of us report to someone, so we have to use our power carefully if it is to remain powerful.)

My goal (and prayer) is to have favor with the decision makers I must influence.  Sometimes this is simply an instantaneous and momentary gift of grace given to me by the Most High God and it gets me what I need.  Most of the time, however, it is built slowly over time, through the integrity of who I am in Christ.  It means I must say what I mean and really mean what I say.  It means I don't over-promise and under-deliver.  It means I don't shout "the sky is falling!" unless I've checked my facts and have a piece of it in my hand as proof.  It shows the person I am elevating the matter to that I can be counted on to exhaust all avenues before having to involve them.  It also means caring to understand the people I'm going to need favor from and doing my best to see it through their eyes.

Certainly, favor created by a good reputation requires the people I need it from to know me... but when they don't, I am no less powerful in my influence.  I know THE ONE Who knows the beginning from the end.  When I have His favor, I have all I need.  As I recently heard, "An hour of favor is worth more than a year of hard work."  Favor can save your job.  Favor has saved nations.  Favor can save your life.

Favor with any one person is tenacious at best and usually fleeting. Favor with God, in comparison, is like the card that gets you in everywhere.  How do you get favor with God?  Work on your reputation with Him.  Get to truly know Him, not about Him (that's like repainting your car hoping it will fix your transmission.)  If you know Him already, just ask Him for the favor you need. You are at zero degrees of separation.

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