Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Busyness Disguised as Productivity

The guy that runs around expending more than necessary energy to accomplish said task shows up at every work site from time to time.  It doesn't fool a smart manager.  I used to know a guy that did this.  He believed that if you always seemed out of breath and in high demand you were more likely to be thought of as important and also less likely to be given additional work.  The extra mobility often caused him to perspire, making the persona complete.

Christians everywhere, from nominal to those sincerely desiring to make a difference, get caught up in the lie that the urgent is always necessary and will neglect the important to keep up with all the emergencies.  The stress created by living in the urgent moment is not healthy, causing elevated adrenaline levels that will eventually result in illness.  We would do well to remember that the enemy of our soul would like to destroy us but will settle for rendering us totally ineffective through ignorance, illness or injury.

Recently I had to choose between missing a church event (again) and a conversation with a friend who needed encouragement in a 1:1 setting.  I wanted to do both, but having learned I don't have emotional fuel (or time) for both, I had to choose one option.  As it turned out, the Holy Spirit helped me choose correctly...and I was able to minister to a friend who in turn ministered to others in a very hard place.

In most every job worth having, there is far more to do than what can be done.  Choices have to be made.  In order not to be rendered ineffective I must daily pray for guidance on what things are important to do that day...even those things that are seemingly innocuous.  Time and time again, it has proven to be a great strategy.  It's like discovering land mines yards and miles before they explode (or even develop into land mines).

You can keep busy.  I'll take effective.

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