Friday, July 12, 2013

Work Life Balance: Self-Service Only

In case you haven't heard the corporate cliche, "work-life balance" is not letting your job eat you alive and destroy your home life.  Many companies encourage their workers to maintain a healthy "whole self" by providing education to promote a healthier lifestyle. 

What they don't say... what they can't say, is work life balance is totally on YOU.  If you are in the position of currently being devoured by your career, only you can stop it. This can be easier said than done, especially in down economy where you might fear not having a job if you don't keep up the pace you've established.

Going the "extra mile" for our employer should be something we want to do.  Sadly, too many of us equate working longer hours with going the distance.  This is rarely the case. 

Quite a lot of work is created by cumulative inefficiencies.   To remove these inefficiencies you have to be able to identify those seemingly unimportant things that will unexpectedly explode later, as well as know which things appear to be a house afire that turn out to be totally unnecessary in the end.  Impossible?  Not really.  Not if you know Who to ask.

I'm not ashamed to say that every day I ask the Lord to help me do what is important for that day.  I have a plan, but to be effective it must align with His plan or I am spinning my wheels... working hard but not smart.  I ask Him to show me possible land mines or to help me keep others calm when they want to shout "the sky is falling!"  It works:  we get the important stuff done and the rest was never needed in the first place.

You can't have work-life balance if you don't trust He is in control of your life and your future.  This means you work with Him to draw the line, and you keep that boundary.When a person is secure in the their position, it does not mean they will not have challenges or struggles.  It does mean they understand their value.  Their value as a precious person.  A person worth preserving and caring for.  A person who, if they are going to give their employer excellence continually, must take care of themselves as an asset.

If it is time to draw a line in the sand, it will be a very hard thing to stand your ground.  There are a thousand techniques out there for learning this new good behavior.  Just remember you are doing what's best for your company by doing it, because you are taking care of their most valuable asset: you.

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