Friday, March 26, 2021

False Accusations and Red Construction Paper

An oral fixation, that's what they'd call it.  Or a nervous tic, I'm not sure.  But every since I was basically an infant, I was chewing things like a puppy and I probably tasted about the same number of toxins.  

One day as I left the playground to walk home from the first grade, I tore off a bit of red construction paper and put it in my mouth.  It wasn't my first exploration of paper, but red construction paper had a very different taste, almost sweet.  I walked and chewed, thinking of other things, the late afternoon sun warming my face.  Maybe Mama would let me go across the alley and play with my friend.

I opened the front door, and heard Mama in the kitchen.  I went directly in to see her, ready to hand her my work papers from the day.  She looked down from the sink at my upturned face, and her expression went from the usual half smile to something darker.

"Where did you get the lipstick?" she demanded, her tone letting me know I was in trouble.  "What?" I said.  "Don't lie to me.  Where did you get the lipstick?"

I looked confused I'm sure, but Mama thought I was acting.  "If you're not going to tell the truth, you can go to your room.  Don't come out until you decide to tell the truth."

I went to the room I shared with my sisters, tears welling in my eyes.  I rubbed my lips.  There wasn't anything on them?  How can you explain to an adult that didn't believe you that you weren't lying?  I sat on the bed and sniffled for some time, the weight of my little world heavy upon me.

I must have fallen asleep, because I opened my eyes and the room was getting dark with sunset.  I could hear the voices of the rest of the family in the other parts of the house.  I got up and went to looked in the mirror on the closet door.  I stared in fascination at my ruby red lips.  What had happened?  It was some moments before the truth of physics hit my brain.  The red construction paper!  I was excited to tell Mama what had happened.  

I wish I could tell you it was a joyous celebration of mistaken accusation.  But no one apologized.  Everyone just moved on. 

Isn't that the way with false accusations?  Few things are more painful than being falsely accused. It's even more painful when it's at the hands of people you believe in your heart should know who you really are.  It takes so little for a seed of doubt to be planted in the minds of people.  So little to water it and make it grow.  And almost no one apologizes to make it right.

The lipstick accusation did not deeply wound me, but it would not be the last time I would be falsely accused by people who knew me well and should have known better.  When I think of those times, I realize how fragile our "reputation" is, when at the hands of sinners.  

It also helps me understand the One Who was falsely accused.  Even though He was fully God, that had to hurt His fully human self.  He had lived His entire humanity in the light, His integrity unquestionable. Yet it didn't matter to the hands of sinners.  They would kill Him because of the truth.  Thankfully, oh so thankfully, a lie would never keep Him in the grave.

I would be quite depressed if I didn't know the Author of Truth, and that in this age of moral relativity where truth is self-defined on a whim every moment, His Truth, His Life and His Way can still be found.  Do you know Him?


  1. Glad to see you post again!!
    It is painful to be wrongly accused and then everyone ignores the issue once you are vindicated. Of course, human nature never wants to admit that we were wrong. So how can you restore such a relationship when trust has been destroyed?

    1. Thanks, Eric. Restoring trust is not easy, but keeping the fact we are all flawed front and center helps. Every situation is different, but I find as long as I remember who I am and Who is I AM, I can stay focused on the things that really matter.
