Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Truth About Consequences

The trouble with politics is we are each our own unique person, and a consensus on everything is impossible. The idea of compromise means we must give something up.  The challenge for each of us is understanding exactly what the consequences of the decision will be without a clear vision of the future.

The same idea haunts us every day if we give in to reminiscing or regrets.  "If we'd only done something differently", or "if we had not done this thing" our lives would be so much better... the fantasized unknown must certainly be better than our current resulting situation. Our society likes to admire those who overcome bad situations.  When someone overcomes their own folly, we are glad...when they overcome someone else's, they are a hero.

The sad fact is, we must reminisce a bit if we are to learn from our mistakes, right?  Ah, but I digress from my real point here, which is that sometimes we can do everything right, but the outcome was not what we believed it would be.  As a believer in Christ, this can be especially disturbing since praying and seeking the Lord for direction and next steps becomes part of a disciple's DNA. There are times that He has us follow a path that leads not to our perception of success, but simply of obedience.  (The Most High God has perfected the long view; we have not).

I have said often and believe it is worth saying again:  it is not the crescendo events in our lives that will necessarily be what is celebrated in heaven on our account.  It will be the accumulation of small choices to do His will that will change eternity not just for ourselves, but for those it touches. The most valuable things I do are the things I am unaware of.  It is so important to walk in purity and the direction of His Holy Spirit so that I am "naturally" doing what He intends me to do for His perfect plan, not the thing I decide and muck up from there.

As we move into a new year with so much intensity towards intent for good, it would be wise to remember we are not capable of anything truly good without the discipline of resting in the presence of Jesus the Christ.  Let us "be" in Him while we intend to do good.

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