Monday, August 7, 2017

Two Voices of Deception

There are two types of deceptive voices it seems. One that says "all is peace" when there isn't, and other that cries "wrath and war" when it is not yet.

The first causes the deceived to be lazy and unguarded, hearing only what tickles their fancy and they become prey for slaughter.

The second brings sadness, fear and trembling when there should be peace and joy.

The enemy of our souls is behind both, and both are constantly active today, causing the misguided to kill people who should not die and keep alive those who should not live.

The miracle of Jesus Christ is that when He is in your heart, you will have joy in the fox hole, and when not in war you will celebrate and peacefully store up provisions for leaner days. He will be your anchor.

The enemy will always try to kill, steal and destroy. Our Heavenly Father is, quite oppositely, the Author of life, liberty and joy, even in the midst of trials. Choose Him and choose joy!


  1. Glad to see that you started blogging again...

    1. Thanks, Eric. The biggest challenge is getting it out of my head and onto "the paper" without interruption!
