Monday, October 28, 2013

The Awe of Audacity

Ever notice how little kids will go places and try to do things without any understanding of the possible consequences?  It is a wonder so many of us continue to grow up without permanent injury.  Experience teaches us how to calculate risk, albeit roughly.

If we act the same way when we grow up, people describe us as foolish, or at the very least, "dare devils".  In business, we are told there is reward for calculated risk, but most of the time, the calculations do not produce a profitable result.  Why?  Because most "calculated" risk isn't risk at all.

It is no wonder then, that when we have given our hearts to Jesus, He spends the rest of our earthly lives trying to help us get back to a state of childlike audacity... to not be afraid to take risks in Him; to pursue things that would seem impossible.  The risks are palatable.  People will think you are crazy (and not necessarily in a good way).   You may fall down.  You may actually make a mistake.  Oh my... that happened as a kid and you still grew up!

It is far less nerve-racking to observe audacious faith from the sidelines.  The amazing stories people of faith tell because they dared to step out and trust inspire others.  To be one of those stories means you need to be willing to experience some drama...usually of an unpleasant kind before the miracle comes.  And the glory.   Then the story. 

Consider this an invitation to be His kid, and know you can trust Him.  He will never leave you.  Believe on Him for the impossible... I dare ya.

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