Monday, November 11, 2013

Retreating to the Womb

Unless you are a hermit, you will from time to time make an acquaintance or friend that seems constantly plagued with health issues that prevent them, almost on queue, from keeping their commitments.

The body is a trustworthy barometer of what we refuse to admit emotionally. No man likes to think he is not manly, and the perceptions that come with that manliness (kill it, drag it home to eat it) don't always match the the overwhelming desire to remain snugly tucked into a warm protected place where we are cared for rather than having to support others.

The lack of feeling cared for is the root of so many illnesses. People make fun of you if you say you are too scared to face your job or your battlefield; they rally around you when you can prove physical infirmity or least for awhile. One dear friend of many years suffered from so many physical ailments that it really didn't matter when one was healed; another sprang up in its place. It was her body's way of coping with the long seeping raw emotional sores that would not heal.... Because justice was not done.

We can easily become walking memorials to the injustice done to our souls. This barrier keeps us transfixed on what is broken in our lives rather than in pursuit of perfect love from Him, which allows us to transcend any tragedy with the promise of wholeness.

The brave soul who gets up, dressed and through the crowds to the job they merely endure for a less than sustainable paycheck is a bit better but not much. They are "coping".... The world"s version of purgatory for the soul. This is not victory, as there is still a sense of victimhood which has no place in the life of the believer.

Thankfully, He is always with us, and when we pursue Him we will feel His presence more real than anything around us. To be in the shadow of His wing is to know the comfort and protection of the womb without its helplessness.  To dwell in the secret place of the Most High means we can be both coddled like the children we are, and brave like the warriors we need to be for the weaker around us.

Today, may you dwell in that secret place and know His strength.

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