Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Bobble-heads Don't Roll

So many communication topics one can cover, so little time...  The bane of every relationship, project, organization... lack of effective communication.  Time and experience show that while volume of communication is helpful, it is not the determining success factor.  "Effective" communication is key, and this might mean a polite reminder or a fist to the face, depending on how one defines "effective".  I personally know people that, even if you hit them in the head, would still miss the point.

Communication escalation is only as effective as the receiving party's willingness to believe the consequences will actually occur if messages are not heeded.  Sometimes we don't even mind the consequences.  (When it's already 110 degrees, saying its going to be 120 degrees doesn't really have much impact... unless you say that at 120 degrees, I will no longer have air conditioning).

Another challenge: we have so many messages coming at us, we now have to allocate time to prioritizing how and when to respond.  There is a common belief in the corporate world that if you haven't dealt with a message in "x" number of days you probably won't miss it if it gets deleted.  This assumption certainly trains those sending messages to be less patient; to give the receiver less time to acknowledge or give an answer. 

I never thought I would reach the place where I actually ignore some people when they phone, text or email.  Yes, I confess that sometimes certain people have actually attempted to communicate with me and I have pretended to not get the message.  This is awkward since I do not intend to relegate actual people to junk mail status, but that is exactly what it feels like.  These are the beloved ones that talk "at" you rather than to you... sometimes they are people who think they have some kind of power and authority over you and think they can push an established boundary (yes... a communicated boundary).

On the other hand, it is a scary place when it seems the person or group that is your only source of help refuses to listen.  Note that I said "seems".  Yes, even stalwart believers sometimes forget that there is always ALWAYS One who listens.  We may not like His answer or His timing, but we should trust it is perfect on both counts.  He can move people or problems and is willing to do that when we ask.  So, if you have a bobble head with cotton in his or her ears, try elevating the situation to the Master Communicator.  He will either move you or move some bobble-heads to make the path straight.

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