Monday, August 5, 2013

You Can't Hide Your Superpowers

In a recent team building exercise, we were asked the question, "If you could have a super power, what would you pick?"  I heard several people saying to one another that they would like the ability to fly.  (I guess air travel really has lost its glamor). 

Frankly, I'm suspicious of anyone wanting super powers who isn't a kid.  Cant you see how tortured superman is?  Always trapped in response mode? Having to over-think that a first strike might mean he might become a Nazi to beat a Nazi?  And to really survive having a super power, you have to have several.  Example, if my power was flying I'd also need sonar to avoid other things in the air; the ability to have small objects not become projectiles at high speed, clothing that could withstand the flight, and the ability to navigate (I'm not sure that Google Maps can't keep up with super power flying).

Fortunately I already have a super power cluster:  the Holy Spirit.  The reason so many of us Christians appear powerless in the work place is because we either only want power for our own personal gain, or we think having the power of the Spirit is something we can whip out like a concealed weapon at our command and forget about when we're no longer in a tough spot. 

There are some rare occasions when the Holy Spirit works in stealth mode; but most of the time He is out there speaking and showing and acting to glorify the only One Who deserves glory: Himself.  He's really not interested in making a billion dollars, launching new software, inventing a new technology, or building the tallest building in the known world.  He is interested first in relationships.  He wants to us all to know Him, because He is good.  He wants us to love each other, not with what the world mistakenly thinks is love, but His love.  And, He wants those of us who walk with Him to be the conduits for His power... with skin on.  If we do this, He can help us make a billion dollars and invent a new technology, since that is the easy part.

So if you're already "plugged in", stop thinking you have to leave your super power at home.  (You can't, anyway).  If you're not plugged in, well, the good news is, there is enough Super Power for everyone that wants a relationship with Him.  It is an exclusive offer, and beware of imitations, since such fakes are not only inferior, they are consistently unreliable when you're needing to fly.

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