Monday, August 19, 2013

The Salmon Among Us

If you've ever been called obstinate or you view the rest of us as lemmings, you understand what swimming against the current is all about.  It's not that you are opposed to "going with the flow"; you just want to make sure the flow will take you where you want to go before you approve of it.

Salmon aren't really obstinate creatures.  Mules, donkeys, and camels are typically animals we associate with stubbornness.  The difference (to this writer, anyway) is that salmon are going somewhere... they swim upstream with a purpose, and aren't just pushing back against the "establishment" because it wasn't their idea.

People who push back can be valuable to the organization.  You'll never see true innovation without those who want to continually question the status quo.  You'll never see bad changes stopped in time without those willing to stand up, be heard and risk being counted as fools.  You will see good things deteriorate into mediocrity without those willing to be an unmoving standard for excellence.  ("Good is better than done" only works when you are continually pushing for "better" with each "done").

Being around people who push back can help you become more strategic.  Unless you like doing the same thing over and over and hoping for different results, people who question your ideas should help you form a better case to persuade others.  If you know why you are doing something so thoroughly you are ready to give the reason anytime anyone asks, you may not be a salmon, but you are no longer a lemming.  You will also begin to distinguish between people you "feel" are good leaders and those who actually that even if you would rather follow, you at least recognize competence.

Oh, and beloved salmon, take care.  Sometimes it is better to go with the flow.  You can become so good at questioning everything that without good discipline, you will no longer be a salmon but will turn into just a log in the stream that real salmon have to jump over. 

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